22Session restantes
206Total des apprenants inscrits
EnglishLangue audio
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{{ rating.class_name }}
{{ rating.short_date }}
{{ rating.user.full_name }}
Ce forum de discussion est disponible uniquement pour les apprenants inscrits.
La séance d'étude du parcours du code
This is a study session for those that are working with The Code Journey by either book, through my social media posts, and through the Personal Year In Codes report. It is an opportunity to ask questions and to learn more about how to work with the current codes in order to create a stronger awareness in the human consciousness of how to work in alignment with the soul self.
Détails du programme
{{ session.minutes }} séance d'une minute
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À propos Jesse An Nichols George
Jesse An Nichols George
Jesse An Nichols George is a Coding Interpreter who has authored multiple books on her own and is a collaborator on the International multiple times Best Seller in multiple categories Embraced by the Divine: The Emerging Woman's Gateway To Power, Passion,...
Apprenants (206)
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